Dr. Bishwanath Das

Dr. Bishwanath Das

State Aided College Teacher (SACT), Department of Political Science
Educational Qualifications M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.
Specialization Society and Politics in South Asia , Human Rights
Area of Research:
Mobile No: 9635456736
Email : bisuds2011@gmail.com
Sl. no.QualificationYear of PassingInstitute
1MPhil2016Vidyasagar University
2Human Rights2014Vidyasagar University
3MA in Political Science2014Vidyasagar University
Paper Publication
Sl. no.Title of PaperPublication / Journal NameDateCategoryPublished InVolumeISSN No.LinkDownload
1Bangla Sahitye Bankim Chandrer Jatiyotabadi Chintar Drishtikon2015NationalAritra
2Itihaser Dharay Manabadhikar2016NationalAritra
3Jangal Mahal Somaj- Sanskriti o Sahitto2019BookProgressive publisher
Seminar / Workshop attainded by teacher
Sl. no.Title of the seminar / WorkshopOrganized byLevelInvited SpeakerWheather Present PaperTitle of the PaperDownload Certificate
1Women in Contemporary societyMidnapore CollegeInternational
2Jungalmahal society, cultural and literatureMidnapore CollegeInternational
3Indian political Thought: the Derivative and its CritiqueVidyasagar UniversityNational
4Issues in Contemporary political thought: justice, ecology and identityVidyasagar UniversityNational
5India an emerging global powerVidyasagar UniversityNational
6Politics of Exclusion : the Indian scenarioVidyasagar UniversityNational
7Gandhian ThoughtVidyasagar UniversityNational